The VCCF has partnered with FreeWill so that all Vermont Catholics have a way to create a legally binding will, state end of life wishes, and create Catholic Advance Directives for FREE! See video for more information.
Click on the link below to start your FreeWill today!
We invite you to consider your own willpower by creating a will. In just 20 minutes, you can find a sense of security knowing that you’ve protected your family, dictated important decisions, and made a lasting legacy to support your cherished Catholic Parish, School, and or Mission for years to come.
“I recently gave FreeWill a test run and updated my own will and directives. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the tool is to use. Another big plus was that all my information is completely confidential,” said Archbishop Christopher Coyne. “I highly recommend this tool as a great free resource offered by the Vermont Catholic Community Foundation that not only makes updating your will easy but ensures your choices regarding Catholic advanced directives and funeral instructions.”